How to make Lisbon Paste
Lisbon paste is a really useful cooking paste that can instantly lift any dish you make including Portuguese dishes. It takes no time to make and is 100% natural and incredibly versatile. Great for barbequed meats, it's popular in Cataplana dishes to add depth and authenticity to your base sauce. All you need are:
- Red Capiscums
- 150ml Olive Oil
- Crushed Garlic
- Sweet Paprika
- Crushed Sea Salt
1. First get your red capsicums/peppers, baste with olive oil and heat over an open flame. A gas stove or bbq is ideal for this. Rotate regularly until totally charred black. Remove from heat and place in a bowl covered with cling wrap to cool for about 20 mins.
2. Once cool, remove capiscums from bowl and removed charred flesh with your fingers. This is the best way to retain the smoky flavours from the capiscum (don't be tempted to take the short cut option of rinsing the capiscum and flavours under the tap).
3. Once skin has been removed, place in a mini chopper or blender. Add the, sweet paprika, sea salt, garlic and olive oil and blend until perfectly mixed.
Your Lisbon paste is ready to use. Inspire your senses and taste buds and use it on everything. My favourite is on pasta or on toast with anchovies - yum!