Get in touch

Iberica is a customer inspired, experience curating pretty things from Portugal for like minded nostalgic adventurers and cultural appeciators.

Some or our most rewarding encounters and discoveries have been from clients and artisans we have met along the way.

If you are looking for a particular item, that you saw on your travels, or are a Portugal based artisan looking to reach a global market with your creations please get in touch.

We genuinely would love to hear from you!

Australia/Asia Pacific

NSW: Iberica, PO Box 193 Woonona NSW 2517 Australia

VIC: Suite 235, 585 Lt Collins St MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Australia

Ph: +61405162257

Europe/USA & Canada

Caixa Postal 1957 - Urbanizacao Vale da Telha, Vale de Telha, Aljezur 8670-156 Portugal

Ph: +351 926 007410


Iberica UK LTD, Unit 105583, Courier Point, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FH, UK

Ph: + 44  20 8089 4639
